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Business Travel & Expenses

Enhanced Reporting Requirements: how Webexpenses can help you prepare

Oct 27, 2023

Employers in Ireland should remain informed about impending new legislation which is set to be enforced. This will impact expense…

Woman on train holding her phone and working on laptop

Business Travel Trends To Look Out For in 2023

Dec 15, 2022

At the end of 2021, we predicted three key improvements for business travel – improved technology, safer work and indoor…

How to manage employee business mileage

How to manage mileage expenses from home to work

Aug 27, 2020

The basic rule when managing business mileage expenses and reimbursements is that only ‘business-related’ costs should be reimbursed. It seems…


Travel Bans & Digital Expense Management | Webexpenses

Apr 28, 2020 is the premier source for the latest news in payments and commerce, giving c-suite executives, company founders, and investors…

Five tips for managing overseas business travel expenses

Oct 18, 2018

How do you keep control of employee travel expenses when costs are incurred thousands of miles away in an overseas…

Why USAlliance Financial Chose Us

Mar 8, 2018

from our US office Having to manage continued growth is a welcome challenge that every successful organization must face. And…

Why Businesses Need to Control Mileage Costs

Dec 1, 2017

A recent survey found that 47% of UK office workers, 55% of US office workers, and 42% of Australian office…

Federal prosecution highlights risks posed by travel expense fraud

Oct 3, 2017

from our US office Travel expenses are second only to payroll when it comes to controllable business costs. And keeping…

How to make sure business travel expenses don’t ‘cost a mint’

Jul 20, 2017

from our UK office The recent media furore over the travelling costs of a Royal Mint executive have provided a…

How to stay on the straight and narrow with travel expenses

Jun 26, 2017

Trying to safely navigate the tax rules on travel expenses is a perilous journey for any business. And the punishments…

What is T&E?

What does ‘T&E’ actually mean?

Mar 27, 2017

It’s one of those acronyms that’s regularly heard whenever employee expenses are being discussed: ‘T&E’. You will see references to…

What’s Business Travel like when you’re the US President?

Nov 2, 2016

As the 45th US President enters the White House, it’s not just the world’s most powerful country they take control…