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How to Spring Clean your Business Expenses

May 2, 2013

It’s that time of year when we look at those strange objects in the garage and suddenly remember what they’re…

Time Machine: Travelling Back to Business Travel in 1993

Apr 4, 2013

Managing business travel expenses these days has become almost too easy. Your employees can book flights and hotels online, they…

Webexpenses New Expenses App is Going Places

Feb 11, 2013

The ability to track the distance you have travelled on a business trip and then instantly upload details to your…

Business Psychologist, Adrian Furnham, Gives Insight into Expense Fraud

Jan 17, 2013

In response to Webexpenses survey on Expenses Fraud, Professional Business Psychologist, author of Bad Apples and writer for the Telegraph…

Webexpenses Survey Finds One-in-Five Males Admit to Fiddling Expenses

Jan 15, 2013

Did you know that one-in-five male employees admit to fiddling their expenses and the average amount they’ll over-claim is £450…

Top 5 Ways Technology Can Reduce Business Expenses

Nov 12, 2012

How technology is changing the way you can manage your business expenses Technology has changed the way we live our…

Multi Trip Functionality Added to Webexpenses Mileage Verification

Sep 2, 2011

In response to customer feedback we have now enhanced our mileage verification tool to allow users to add more than…

Business women commuting

New Feature Announcement: Accurate Mileage Expense Claims

Dec 13, 2010

Webexpenses has upgraded to provide Mileage Verification using place names as well as postcodes. We’ve leveraged the power of Microsoft’s…

Webexpenses Works Harder – New API Offers Better Integration

Sep 6, 2010

Although API is just a little bit of jargon – it stands for Application Programming Interface – it is of…

Take Control Of Petty Cash To Root Out Financial Inefficiency

Jul 14, 2010

Webexpenses Petty Cash Management solution now offers the ability for businesses to root out a key source of inefficiency. Many…

Reduce Financial and Carbon Costs with a Sustainable Travel Policy

Jun 22, 2010

When assessing the operational costs of a commercial enterprise, one aspect that often takes people by surprise is the sheer…