Scottish Swimming

Scottish Swimming, the UK's national body for the sport, felt it was time to migrate their manual expenses operations towards a diverse and fully integrated cloud-based solution.
What were the typical challenges Scottish Swimming used to face when managing expenses?
Scottish Swimming had a very manual process to follow for both personal and credit card expenses. Staff had to keep all their receipts and attach them to every claim, which they entered into a spreadsheet. Then, the claims had to go to their manager and await approval, it would then be passed to finance for processing. Finance had to enter in the details from every claim onto Sage, including both personal and credit card claims. The whole process was very labour intensive and long-winded. Finding and matching receipts to credit card transactions was a tortuous task for staff and not something they looked forward to every month.
What was important to Scottish Swimming when looking for an expenses management provider?
Scottish Swimming looked for a system based in the UK with telephone support as we needed to have support to set up the system as we had a very different structure to any normal business. We were also looking for a company that could help when we migrated from a desktop based accounts system to a cloud-based system. The use of an expenses app for staff that are on the road for a large proportion of their job was also a key requirement.
Why was Webexpenses chosen as your new expense provider?
We spoke to Webexpenses to discuss the system and watched a demo where they took us through all the key features and benefits. We liaised with Munster Rugby, a current client of their system before we made a final decision. After considering all of these points we decided that Webexpenses was the right provider for Scottish Swimming.
Which key features within Webexpenses are important to you?
The expenses app, credit card upload and upload of transactions to a cloud-based accounts system. We’ve had a positive response from staff so far regarding its ease of use. It looks like it will make a huge difference to the finance team too.